APPLICATIONNFC-enabled phones have the ability to open the application and search with wearable jewelry or tags.Please touch the registration button on the page opened by contacting BiteneM text on the main screen.On the registration page;Please contact the text box and write your mobile number.By touching the image button, the photos page will open. Simply select a photo from the page that opens. You will see the selected image at the top.Save transactions button; Your transactions are recorded by touching the button. You can control the operations on the main screen.Delete transactions button; All selected records will be deleted collectively by touching the button.Note: When changing the mobile number, be sure to continue by deleting the transactions.It will call the previous mobile number in the registration process that you will do without pressing the delete transactions button.ENJOYDownload the photo image of a famous face, select the image of the celebrity you downloaded with the select photo button, choose the mobile number of a familiar friend (write the current name of your selected friend, the name of the celebrity whose image you downloaded).You can search for many artists besides artists.Enjoy.